

NEP and Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) (Sciences)

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

Schedule of physical counselling (IDC and VAC)

Date: 21-01-2025

Venue: RC Paul Auditorium of Chemistry Department


9:30 am - All students of Mathematics department and

10:00 am - PU CET(UG) Merit marks above 90%

11:00 am - PU CET(UG) Marit marks above 80%

12:00 noon - PU CET(UG) Marit marks above 70%

01:00 pm - PU CET(UG) Marit marks above 50%

2:00 pm - PU CET(UG) Remaining students

Students of Mathematics department should report at 9:15 am.

  Dated: 16/01/2025
1. 30/01/2025Allocation List-2
2. 23/01/2025Allocation List - 1
3. 14/01/2025Timetable even semester
4. 14/01/2025Revised proforma for filling choices
5. 13/01/2025Seats distribution for IDC and VAC (BSc I Sem II)
6. 13/01/2025Proforma BSc I for IDC and VAC (EVEN SEM)
7. 13/01/2025Centralized timetable 2024-25 (EVEN SEM)
8. 14/11/2024Date sheet for Reappear Dec 2024 (Sem I and Sem III under CBCS)
9. 07/11/2024Centralized date sheet - End semester Exam 2024
10. 07/11/2024Centralized date sheet - Special Chance (CBCS system)
11. 04/11/2024Date sheet for special chance Nov 2024
12. 04/10/2024Allocation 30-09-2024
13. 25/09/2024Final allocation List 25-09-2024
14. 19/09/2024Allocation schedule -3
15. 17/09/2024Mid semester Examination date sheet (Oct 2024)
16. 13/09/2024Allocation List (BSc I Sem I) 12-09-2024
17. 13/09/2024Allocation List (BSc II Sem III) 12-09-2024
18. 04/09/2024Schedule for Physical Counselling (BSc I and BSc II) 10-09-2024
19. 30/08/2024Proforma BSc I (Counselling - 2)
20. 30/08/2024Revised Timetable BSc I Sem I
21. 27/08/2024Revised Venue for DES-VAC-1
22. 20/08/2024Details of Venue for the various classes (BSc I Sem I)
23. 20/08/2024Allocation List -1 (BSc I Sem I) 14-08-2024
24. 20/08/2024Time table (BSc I and BSc II) Odd semester 2024-25
25. 13/08/2024Schedule for Physical Counselling (BSc I Sem I) 14-08-2024
26. 08/08/2024Performa for filling choice (BSc I)
27. 08/08/2024Seats distribution for Minor, IDC and VAC (BSc I)
28. 08/08/2024Allocation List-1 (BSc-II)
29. 05/08/2024Physical Counselling Schedule-BSc II Sem III (06-08-2024)
30. 26/07/2024Date-sheet Reappear special chance/Reappear
31. 26/07/2024Framework of BSc (Honours) four-year program under NEP
32. 26/07/2024Performa for filling choice
33. 26/07/2024Instructions for filling choices for Minor-3 and IDC-3 (Seats distribution)
34. 26/07/2024Centralized timetable 2024-25
35. 03/05/2024Revised GE4 datesheet for Statistics only
36. 10/04/2024Date-sheet for Reappear Examination May 2024
37. 09/04/2024Revised End semester centralized datesheet for May 2024
38. 29/02/2024Revised datesheet - Please ignore previous revision
39. 29/02/2024Revised centralized datesheet-Mid term March 2024
40. 26/02/2024Centralized datesheet Mid sem March 2024
41. 29/01/2024Allocation of IDC and VAC List-2
42. 23/01/2024Revised Allocation List-1 (IDC, VAC)
43. 23/01/2024Physical Counselling schedule
44. 18/01/2024Revised Time table (English contact hours increased)
45. 18/01/2024Allocation List-1 IDC and VAC
46. 15/01/2024Schedule of Physical Counselling (16.01.2024)
47. 12/01/2024Instructions to fill IDC and VAC choices for Sem II
48. 15/12/2023Link for VAC-Last date 19-12-2023
49. 15/12/2023Link for IDC Choices- Last date 19-12-2023
50. 15/12/2023Instructions to fill IDC and VAC choices for Sem II
51. 25/11/2023Datesheet Reappear BSc I Sem I (CBCS)
52. 25/11/2023Centralized Timetable BSc I Sem II
53. 20/11/2023Centralized date sheet for End Semester Examination Dec 2023
54. 05/10/2023VAC Final List
55. 05/10/2023Minor Final List
56. 05/10/2023IDC Final List
57. 05/10/2023AEC - Final list
58. 05/10/2023AEC allocation LIST 3
59. 05/10/2023IDC ALLOCATION LIST-3
60. 05/10/2023VAC ALLOCATION LIST 3
61. 05/10/2023MINOR ALLOCATION LIST -3
62. 27/09/2023Links for last admission
63. 25/09/2023Link for IDC - Last date 26-09-2023
64. 25/09/2023Centralized Mid Semester Datesheet BSc I Sem I
65. 18/09/2023IDC ALLOCATION LIST-2
66. 15/09/2023Link for IDC-Sciences LAST DATE 16-09-2023 by 10:00 am
67. 15/09/2023Allocation of VAC List-2
68. 15/09/2023MINOR ALLOCATION LIST -2
69. 15/09/2023Allocation AEC List - 2
70. 14/09/2023IDC ALLOCATION LIST-1
71. 11/09/2023Last chance to fill VAC, Minor and AEC options
72. 05/09/2023Revised Centralized Time Table
73. 05/09/2023NEW LINK FOR IDC
74. 04/09/2023Allocation List for VAC (List 1)
75. 04/09/2023AEC allocated (LIST-1)
76. 04/09/2023Centralized Time table BSc I Sem I 2023-24
77. 02/09/2023MINOR LIST-1 with revised entries (Highlighted in yellow)
78. 02/09/2023Details of Department Coordinators for NEP courses
81. 31/08/2023LINKS FOR FILLING PREFERENCE- LAST DATE 31-08-2023 (12 NOON)
82. 24/08/2023NEP_Sciences guidelines
83. 04/08/2023GE-3 Allocation Revised List
84. 29/07/2023Datesheet Special Chance August
85. 29/07/2023GE3 Allocation List 1
86. 02/06/2023Centralized Time table BSc II Sem III and IV 2023-24
87. 16/05/2023Rescheduling of GE4
88. 16/05/2023Special Chance Ongoing Odd Semester Examination
89. 12/04/2023Centralized date sheet Even Semester (May 2023)
90. 01/03/2023Mid semester date sheet March 2023
91. 27/12/2022Centralized Time table 2022-23 Even sem
92. 21/11/2022Mid sem examination_New admissions 2022 only
93. 21/11/2022Central date sheet for End semester Dec 2022
94. 15/11/2022Allocation List 4
95. 20/10/2022Revised time for AECC exam scheduled on 26-10-2022
96. 17/10/2022Date sheet for Special Chance (for promotion/backlog)_Practicals
97. 17/10/2022Allocation - 2 Physics and Electronics
98. 15/10/2022GE Change List 4
99. 15/10/2022Allocation List 3 (Biochemistry, Anthropology and Physics)
100. 15/10/2022Special Chance Reappear Exam datesheet (Credit requirement and Backlog clearance)
101. 10/10/2022Allocation List 3 (Maths and Biophysics)
102. 07/10/2022GE allocation 2 (after 4th counselling)
103. 07/10/2022Change in GE1 subjects _List 3
104. 28/09/2022Change in GE subjects (List-1) 28-09-2022
105. 27/09/2022Allocation List 2 (27-09-2022)
106. 19/09/2022GE 1 Allocation 19-09-2022
107. 14/09/2022List of GE subjects for BSc I year
108. 18/08/2022Change in GE3 subject 18-08-2022
109. 16/08/2022GE3 allocation Revised 16-08-2022
110. 13/08/2022GE3 Allocation 13-08-2022
111. 03/08/2022Information for the allocation of GE3-GE4 courses
112. 03/08/2022List of GE3 and GE 4 courses-2022
113. 22/07/2022Centralized time table for odd Sem 2022-23
114. 15/06/2022GE4 practical exam-Rescheduled date 04-07-2022
115. 08/06/2022Revised date sheet End Sem June 2022
116. 07/06/2022Centralized date sheet End Sem (June 2022)
117. 05/05/2022Centralized datesheet for BSc I Sem II Mid Sem Exam (May 2022)
118. 02/04/2022Mid semester Examination GE4 (May 2021-22)
119. 04/03/2022Centralized Time table for even semester - OFFLINE MODE
120. 01/03/2022End semester Examination centralized Date-sheet for BSc I Sem I
121. 04/02/2022Centralized Time table for even semester 2021-22
122. 04/02/2022Date sheet for Mid Semester Examination of B.Sc I Sem I
123. 14/01/2022GE allotment-additional list 14-01-2022
124. 13/01/2022Final list of GE allotment session 2021-22 (B.Sc 1)
125. 30/12/2021GE Allocation List-2 (Mathematics)
126. 30/12/2021GE Allocation List-2
127. 11/12/2021End semester Examination centralized Date-sheet for GE3 theory
128. 02/12/2021GE-1 form
129. 02/12/2021GE Allocation List-I Mathematics Department
130. 02/12/2021Centralized date sheet of GE3 practical exam (Dec 2021-22)
131. 02/12/2021GE Allocation List-I
132. 17/11/2021List of GE papers offered by Departments (2021-22)
133. 17/11/2021Instructions for data management (For departments)
134. 17/11/2021Instructions for GE Course allocation (Session 2021-22)
135. 15/11/2021Mid semester Examination for Batch 2020
136. 04/09/2021Final list of GE3 allotment
137. 16/08/2021Instructions and form for GE3 allotment
138. 04/08/2021Time table for general elective courses 2021-22
139. 28/04/2021Mid semester Examination (Ongoing even semester- May 2021)
140. 26/04/2021Centralized Time table for even semester
141. 28/01/2021End semester Examination centralized Date-sheet for GE courses
142. 14/01/2021Revised List-2 of Reappear students-January 2021
143. 10/01/2021Revised list of Reappear students for GE courses (January 2021 Examination)
144. 05/01/2021List of students for Reappear Examination, January 2021
145. 05/01/2021Date sheet for Reappear Examination, January 2021
146. 16/12/2020Reappear Examination Schedule for Undergraduate classes
147. 05/12/2020General Elective (GE) New allocations/GE change 03-12-2020
148. 28/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) allocation 6.00 p.m .27.11.20 for information-delayed 20hrs.
149. 27/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) allocation 3.00p.m .27.11.20 for information
150. 26/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) allocation 6 p.m .26.11.20 for information
151. 26/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) allocation 3.00 p.m.,.26.11.20 for information
152. 26/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) allocation 12 Noon .26.11.20 for information
153. 26/11/2020REVISED mid-semester exam central datesheet B.Sc (Hons) I sem CBCS 2020
154. 25/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) allocation 6.00 p.m.25.11.20 for information
155. 24/11/2020Generic Elective (GE) related info. for I, III sem B.Sc(Hons)CBCS -2020 students/teachers
156. 12/11/2020midterm exam B.Sc(Hons)CBCS III sem -Nov 2020 regarding
157. 10/11/2020cbcs - GE counseling information for newly admitted students (9-12 Nov. 2020)
158. 03/11/2020GE allocation information to students admitted during 3rd,4th counseling 2020
159. 16/10/2020note on AECC english/env.studies class for B.Sc (Hons)CBCS I semester students- cbcs contact info.
160. 01/10/2020note on GE allocation details to students admitted to B.Sc(Hons) CBCS I, II counseling
161. 01/10/2020list of GE courses for I Sem B.Sc(Hons)CBCS -2020-v2
162. 09/09/2020information regarding GE allocation to B.Sc(HONS)CBCS I sem 2020
163. 04/08/2020list of GE courses for III Sem B.Sc(Hons)CBCS Aug-2020-v2
164. 04/08/2020central time table - B.Sc(Hons) cbcs - GE courses - August 2020-v2
165. 01/08/2020GE allocation instructions for III sem. B.Sc(Hons)CBCS - Aug 2020
166. 28/02/2020change of date for mid-term exam- march 2020
167. 24/01/2020midterm exam central datesheet B.Sc(Hons) cbcs - March 2020
168. 01/12/2019central time table CBCS - January-May 2020
169. 29/11/20192019-CBCS-GE-reappear exam note
170. 26/11/2019GE1B- Physics lab exam listing dec 2019 -B.Sc(Hons)CBCS-I SEM
171. 25/11/2019GE- Physics lab exam listing dec 2019 -B.Sc(Hons)CBCS-III SEM
172. 25/11/2019GE1A- Physics lab exam listing dec 2019 -B.Sc(Hons)CBCS-I SEM
173. 26/10/2019central-datesheet -Dec 2019 end-sem exam B.Sc(Hons)CBCS
174. 14/10/2019rescheduled subsidiary ii sem lower math. sp. chance. sept/oct 2019
175. 14/10/201914.10.19 reschedule GE english paper sept/oct 2019
176. 10/10/2019reschedule GE english paper sept/oct 2019
177. 08/10/2019datesheet-3-B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear sp. reappear oct - 2019-campus
178. 08/10/2019datesheet-2 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear sp. reappear oct - maths - 2019-campus
179. 04/10/2019sp. chance. math. subsidiary / GE . central datesheet
180. 27/09/2019sp.chance.central datesheet-sept-oct2019
181. 19/09/2019revised-midterm exam central datesheet B.Sc(Hons) cbcs - oct-2019
182. 13/09/2019I semester GE1A, GE1B allocation lists, III sem GE allocation lists
183. 09/09/20199..9.19 GE1 allocation note
184. 09/09/20199.9.19-GE1 allocation form
185. 09/09/20199.9.19-GE1 allocation form
186. 01/08/20191.8.19-GE-math-rescheduled exam new date
187. 30/07/2019central GE-datesheet -RE-appear exam july/aug 2019.campus
188. 30/07/2019GE-math-rescheduled exam new date
189. 23/07/2019B.Sc (Hons) II yr. -CBCS-III sem -GE allocation-2019-changes
190. 23/07/2019GE practical re-appear exam datesheet -july /aug 2019
191. 22/07/2019I sem- B.Sc(Hons) CBCS GE-1 counseling information -July 2019
192. 16/07/2019GE-Higher Math- III sem allocation r
193. 15/07/2019GE1A,GE1B, practical - english - cbcs- re-appear exam date sheet july 2019
194. 10/07/2019B.Sc (Hons) II yr. -CBCS-III sem -GE allocation-2019-merit list( CETmerit+I sem marks)-revised
195. 09/07/2019B.Sc (Hons) II yr. -CBCS-III sem -GE allocation-2019-merit list( CETmerit+I sem marks)
196. 08/07/2019central time table CBCS - July-December 2019
197. 11/06/2019datesheet-6 minor changes -B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus
198. 06/06/2019datesheet-5 minor changes -B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus
199. 30/05/2019note and datesheet(for GE1A,GE1B) Under graduate -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus
200. 30/05/2019datesheet-4 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus
201. 28/05/2019datesheet-3 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus
202. 26/05/2019datesheet-2 B.Sc (Hons) old scheme - subsidiary -reappear exams june/july 2019-campus
203. 20/05/2019B.Sc(Hons) CBCS-II year July-2019 -GE3 choice form-information
204. 20/05/2019cbcs-2016-17,2017-18 batch re-appear notice ii- central datesheet
205. 18/05/20192019-may-june-july-reappear datesheet-1-B.Sc(Hons) (major-sub)-old scheme-campus-science
206. 10/05/2019RE-appear exam notice - may/june/july-2019
207. 01/04/2019B.Sc(Hons)(UFHS) central datesheet- end sem exam-May 2019
208. 21/01/2019B.Sc(Hons) CBCS-II, IV sem central mid-term datesheet March 2019
209. 07/01/2019Central Time Table 2018-19-CBCS II sem, IV sem
210. 11/12/2018cbcs-old- scheme-reappear GE datesheet for 2016-17,2017-18 batch students
211. 14/11/2018minor revised -B.Sc(Hons) CBCS- I, III semester -End- Semester central datesheet- Nov. -December 2018
212. 06/11/2018B.Sc(Hons) CBCS- I, III semester -End- Semester central datesheet- Nov. -December 2018
213. 10/09/2018GE1 A Anthropology
214. 28/08/201828.8.18: New Schedule for Final GE1 Counseling
215. 20/08/201820.8.18 notice regarding GE allocation process
216. 14/08/20182018-New GE Allotment form 2018-19 (14.8.18)
217. 10/08/20182018-GE-information to Depts and students
218. 10/08/20182018-GE Seat Surrender Application Form
219. 02/08/2018G.E. 1 B
220. 20/07/2018B.Sc(Hons)I, Ii,IV sem CBCS- re-appear (central)datesheet-July-2018
221. 19/07/2018B. Sc Hons CBCS III Semester GE5 students
222. 18/07/2018cbcs-GE5-counseling for students who could not attend earlier one
223. 10/07/20182018-updated-revised-GE5merit list(10.9.18)
224. 09/07/2018updated revised GE5 list soon
225. 09/07/2018Form for GE-Allocation B.Sc(Hons)CBCS I sem 2018-19
226. 09/07/2018Note on GE-Allocation B.Sc(Hons)CBCS I sem 2018-19
227. 02/07/2018Application Form for GE5 CBCS-III sem-2018
228. 02/07/2018Notice for GE5 CBCS-III sem-2018
229. 02/07/2018B.Sc(Hons)I, III sem CBCS- re-appear (central)datesheet-July-2018
230. 27/06/2018Central Time Table 2018-19-CBCS I sem, III sem
231. 10/04/2018 II sem, IV sem central datesheet- CBCS- May 2018
232. 23/02/2018Mid-term II sem, IV sem central datesheet- CBCS- March 2018
233. 27/12/2017Jan-May-2018-CBCS-central time table -GE3,GE4,GE6,AECC- teachers/students
234. 18/09/2017mdi-term-central-datesheet-cbcs-(10-16 Oct-2017)
235. 06/09/2017CBCS-Sp.Chance-REappear exam (11.9.17-19.9.17)notice
236. 02/09/20174-Sept-GE-Counseling-Schedule
237. 30/08/2017GE-form-for sept. counseling (revised version)
238. 03/08/ (HS) I semester GE1-GE2- counseling instructions
239. 16/07/2017July-August 2017-Re-appear Exam Date sheet for GE papers-
240. 10/07/201710.07.2017- CBCS-GE5- notice
241. 05/07/2017GE5 paper allocation procedure - (July-Dec 2017)-CBCS
242. 20/04/2017Central -End-Sem date sheet - CBCS- II Sem B.Sc ( Honours) courses-May 2017
243. 15/03/2017exam date-change of AECC paper
244. 07/03/2017Central -Mid-term date sheet - CBCS- II Sem B.Sc ( Honours) courses
245. 11/01/2017GE3-GE4 list -Jan-May-2017
246. 11/01/2017central time table Jan-May-2017
247. 27/10/2016Central -Mid-term date sheet - CBCS- I Sem B.Sc ( Honours) courses

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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